Senin, 05 Desember 2016

Piscok (Banana Chocolate)

Hello guys, in this time I'll tell you about how to make piscok. What is this? Piscok is Banana Chocolate.

What you need to make a piscok is:
  • Banana (whatever banana you have now)
  • Meises (you can add chocolate bar or chocolate ball)
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Spring roll skin
  • Sliced cheese
Instruction to make a piscok is:
  • Sliced the banana nicely
  • Put the spring roll skin at the plate, add 5 or more sliced of banana.
  • Sprinkled with meises, don't put it too much because the milk already sweet.
  • Cover it with slice cheese (I divided 3 parts of each sliced, so it's more evenly)
  • Then roll it up
  • Fry it on hot oil
  • Wait until look golden brown
  • And piscok is ready to serve
  • Enjoy it.

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